13th June 2013

MEETING 13th June 2013

Chairman B. Fisher, Vice Chairman N. MacDermid, Councillors C. Gogna, T. Hall, E. Jones, T. Martin, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator M. Hammond, PC Ayres and Youth Development Worker L. Gentle.
1. Apologies: Apologies were received and accepted from District Councillor C. Bayliss and Councillor C. Florance

2. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda:
T. Martin, E. Jones, N. MacDermid and S. Hinchcliffe declared an interest in Agenda item no 14. N. MacDermid declared an interest in Agenda item no 10.

3. Public Participation session:
a) Youth Club – The chairman suggest Agenda item 8 could be discussed so L. Gentle had the option to leave the meeting if he so wished. L. Gentle explained he worked for the North Yorkshire Youth, as Youth Development Worker, and within his roles was to establish Youth Clubs in the Area. He discussed the possibility of a Youth Club in Follifoot. He explained how the club would be set up and what role the North Yorkshire Youth would take. He said volunteers would be required to help at the Youth Club, they would receive training and support from the Youth Association. He said he will shortly be speaking to Spofforth Parish Council with a view to a Youth Club in Spofforth and the feasibility of a joint youth club between the villages. He said he would contact the Parish Council with the outcome of the meeting with Spofforth Parish Council, and then suggest the most appropriate way forward. The Chairman thanked L. Gentle for attending. L. Gentle left the meeting.

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 9TH May 2013: The minutes were proposed by
T. Martin and seconded by N. MacDermid and B. Fisher signed them as a correct record.

5. Matters arising from the minutes: None

6. Chairman’s communications:
a) The Chairman said he had received several comments of how good the new website is.
b) The Chairman said he had received several complaints regarding the overgrown hedge on Main Street, T. Martin said he would speak with the owners to ask them to organise for the hedge to be cut back.
c) The chairman said he had received a letter from Lister Haigh regarding developing land in the village for a play area. The Chairman asked the clerk to reply.
d) The Chairman said the Floral Displays at the Village signs had been planted out with the help from Barrie Butler who organised the purchasing of the flowers; the tubs have been planted out by some of the children from the School Gardening Club. The Chairman wished to record his thanks in the minutes to all those who helped to plant out the village signs and tubs.
b) The Chairman asked PC Ayres if he would like to give a report. He reported that there had been seven crimes and three detections in the area in the previous month. He explained Doorstep Callers are usually not legitimate; residents can call the Police on 101, to report them in the area. The Chairman thanked PC Ayres for attending. PC Ayres left the meeting.
7. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Plompton Sign – T. Hall said he had received several complaints from residents at Plompton regarding the newly erected sign on the entrance to Plompton. The residents consider the sign too large, and would like a smaller sign similar to the sign that had broken. Action: S. Hinchcliffe to contact Highways to request the sign is removed and replaced with a smaller sign.

8. Youth Club: See item 3.

9. Process of Annual Elections: The protocol of Annual Elections was discussed. It was decided that the clerk would write a draft Standing Order, and email to the Parish Councillors for comments, with the view of adopting it.

10. Phone Kiosk:
a) Information Centre – N. MacDermid showed photographs of several different uses for Phone Kiosks. The Parish Council considered the Phone Kiosk being used as Postcard/Information Centre, would be most suitable. N. MacDermid to investigate further and report at the July meeting.
b) Installation of Frames – J. Hinchcliffe had sent the Parish Council a report on the frames around the glass had not been installed, this was discussed. It was decided the clerk would obtain a quote from Keepsake Construction for installing the frames.

11. Installation of Solar Panels in Conservation Area: Following an enquiry from a resident regarding the view of the Parish Council on the installation of Solar Panels in a Conservation Area, the Parish Council carried out a discussion. The Parish Council said they acknowledge the value of renewable energy and are committed to renewable energy. They suggested if a site is in a high visible area that the installation of Solar Panels was as sympathetic as possible.
12. Old Brochures: B. Fisher said he had a box of information brochures on the village, he asked for suggestions for their use. It was decided that B. Fisher would look at the brochures with a view to using them and if it would be possible to replace any outdated information.

13. Highways:
a) The clerk was asked to enquire with Highways when the installation of double yellow lines at top of Main Street will take place.
b) The clerk said she had requested the rubbish at the Gravel Store on Plompton Road be removed.

a) S. Hinchcliffe reported on the progress of FOFWRAP.
b) The next meeting will be on Monday 1st July 2013.
c) S. Hinchcliffe asked the Parish Councillors to deliver the FOFWRAP Newsletter, which also included details of the new website and MailChimp.

15. Parish Council Means of Communication – MailChimp:
a) The clerk explained that the new website (www.follifoot.org) has a link on the Home page, to MailChimp. This enables residents to register and receive Parish News by email.
b) The Chairman agreed to contact the old website editor and ask if he would redirect to the new website or close the old website.

16. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank – The clerk reported that there was in the £571.57 current account and £7,678.49 in the deposit account.
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure for the following was proposed by
B. Fisher and seconded by T. Hall.
Cheque No: Expenditure Amount
100703 A.Walker – Noticeboard and bench installation £469.75
100704 Keepsake – Phone Kiosk Refurbishment £2,151.00

c) The purchase of the recent edition of Arnold Baker’s Council Guide – the Clerk requested the Parish Council purchased the A. Baker’s Council Guide, to assist her with her work. The Parish Councillors unanimously agreed to the purchase of the guide.
d) Bank Mandate – The clerk asked T. Hall, C. Gogna and E. Jones visit HSBC and take two forms of identification and asked to be placed on the Parish Council Account. The clerk said she would forward the details of the account to the Parish Councillors.
e) Annual Return 2012-13
i) Approval of Statement of Accounts 2012-2013: The Parish Council resolved to approve the Statement of Accounts.
ii) Annual Governance Statement: The Parish Council resolved to approve the
annual Governance Statement.

17. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) The clerk said she had sent a bus shelter cleaning rota to the Parish Councillors.
b) The clerk said she will send a watering rota regarding the flower tubs at the Beck and the Village sign planters.

18. Planning:
a) Applications:
i) 6.108.19.FUL 13/01975/FUL 8 Plompton Square, Knaresborough
Erection of handrail and modesty panel to balcony. The Parish Council had no objections
ii) Tree Preservation Order No 36/2012 Pannal Road, Follifoot –
Had been received.
iii) 6.108.45.FUL 13/02049/FUL Wingate Court, Plompton
Conversion of garage to form additional living accommodation and installation of 2 doors and 1 window. The Parish Council had no objections.
b) No applications had been received since the agenda was compiled.
c) No outcomes of previous applications had been received
d) Harrogate and District Sites and Policies Development Plan – Consultation for proposed Affordable Housing on The Garth and Pannal Road. The recent questionnaire had been completed in draft by the clerk, this was discussed and decided it was a representation of the majority of residents in the parish.
e) Minerals and Waste Joint Plan – B. Fisher offered to complete the form on behalf of the Parish Council.
f) Recent Planning Legislation was discussed, with regard to the extension of properties. It was decided that the clerk would obtain clarification from HBC Planning Department.

19. Date of next meeting: 11th July 2013, at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall

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