12th May 2016


Follifoot Village Hall at 8pm

Held on ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­12th May 2016


Present:  Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillors Hinchcliffe, Jones and internal auditor M. Kettlewell.

Parish Council Election Results – Councillors for Follifoot are N. MacDermid, T. Martin, J. Hinchcliffe and E. Jones.  Councillor for Plompton T. Hall.  The Parish Councillors present duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance.

Election of Chairperson – Cllr MacDermid was proposed as Chairman for 2016/17 by Cllr Hinchcliffe and seconded by Cllr Jones. Resolved: There being no other nominations, Cllr MacDermid was Declared Elected. Cllr MacDermid completed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

Election of Vice Chairperson –Cllr Martin was proposed as Vice Chairman by Cllr MacDermid and seconded by Cllr Jones.  Resolved: There being no other nominations, Cllr Martin was Declared Elected.

Co-option Vacancies for Parish Councillors – Following the election results two Parish Councillors positions were available for Follifoot and two residents were co-opted onto the Parish Council.  J. Andrade was proposed as a Parish Councillor by Cllr Hinchcliffe and seconded by Cllr Martin.  A. Dewsnip was proposed as Parish Councillor by Cllr Martin and seconded by Cllr Jones.  Resolved:  There being no other nominations A. Dewsnip and J. Andrade were duly elected parish councillors.

Election of Village Hall Representatives – The Parish Councillors unanimously voted Cllr Martin to remain the Parish Councils Village Hall Representative.

  1. Apologies:  No apologies.
  2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None
  3. Public Participation session: None
  4. Minutes of the meetings held on 14th April 2016: The Parish Council meeting minutes were proposed as a correct record by Cllr Martin and seconded by Cllr Hinchcliffe.  The chairman duly signed the minutes.  The clerk said the Annual Parish Meeting Minutes would be published by the end of May.
  5. Matters arising from the minutes:
  1. Item 14) Village Bench – The Long family will organise for a plaque on the green bench in memory of their late father. The clerk said the bench would be maintained under the village maintenance programme.
  1. Chairman’s communications:  The chairman said the landowner of the field known as ‘The Garth’ had informed him that he will be erecting a fence across the narrow point of the field, with a gate in to allow access.
  1. Clerk’s correspondence:
  1. The clerk said a Plompton resident had kindly written and thanked the Parish Council for their help in investigating broadband at Plompton.
  2. The clerk said a list of mail received was available if required.
  1. Matters concerning Plompton:  None.
  2. Broadband:
  1. Broadband at Plompton – The clerk informed the meeting she had received various correspondence about broadband at Plompton. The matter was discussed and it was resolved to monitor the situation and discuss at next month’s meeting.
  1. Neighbourhood Watch:
  1. Police crime figures had been received. The clerk said she will circulate them.
  1. Village Up Keep:
  1. Village Maintenance – the Village Handyman had worked a total of 6hrs during April. He had cleared the village signs beds and put in additional soil and carried out some grass cutting.
  2. Phone Kiosk Paint Damage – The Chairman said the damage to the phone kiosk had been caused by someone taping a poster to the kiosk for a charity fundraising event. It was resolved the clerk would obtain quotes to re-paint the kiosk as the paint was showing signs of wear and tear.
  3. Dog Poo Bags – The clerk said a resident had contacted her about dog owners discarding their dog poo bags around the countryside. A discussion took place on discarding bags and owners allowing their dogs to foul in public places.  It was resolved to carry out a publicity campaign around the village, it was proposed posters would also be placed at various points around the village, asking people to clean up after their dogs and place the bags of dog mess in the bin.  The parish council would consult with the local landowner to ask if some posters could be displayed on their fences.  It was agreed the dog warden would be contacted for an update.  It was agreed the clerk would obtain a price for installing dog poo bins around the village.
  4. Flower Planting 22nd May – Volunteers are to meet at 2pm at Horse Pond Beck (behind the bottom bus stop) to help plant the tubs and village signs. It was agreed the clerk would organise the purchase of flowers.  As three residents have kindly allowed access to water for the watering of flowers it was agreed the Parish Council would write and thank them and ask if they would be happy for this to continue.  Action: Clerk to write to residents.
  1. Highways:
  1. Kestrel Roundabout – The clerk said a Plompton resident had contacted her regarding cars blocking the roundabout and suggested yellow boxes were installed at the junctions at the Kestrel Roundabout. The clerk said she had contacted Highways who informed her that they are aware of the problem, they informed her that often the yellow boxes are not permitted and the paint wears off quickly.
  2. Response from NYCC regarding footpath on Pannal Road – The clerk had contacted Highways about the overgrown footpath and they agreed to put it on a list of works but were unable to give a timescale. Action: Clerk to monitor situation.
  3. Drain Pannal Road: The clerk said the residents had replied to her letter regarding the drain and would also like to see the blocked drain cleared.  The clerk said she continues to monitor the situation.
  1. FOFWRAP:  Chairman MacDermid said FOFWRAP are in the process of finalising the design ready for submission with the planning application.  They will present the proposed plans to the Parish Council at the June meeting.  They will hold an AGM and information session when residents will be invited to attend to view the proposed scheme.
  2. Wi-Fi Village Hall:  The Chairman said he would be meeting with a sub-group of the village hall committee to discuss installation of broadband in the hall.
  3. Rugby Club:
  1. The Chairman said he had consulted with the rugby club regarding parking during the recent youth festival. He said they had worked hard to ensure parking was not a problem, but due to the volume of cars and some drivers not complying, it resulted in some parking issues.  The rugby club said it had been a very successful event with 2500 children attending.  The rugby club have suggested they work with the parish council next year to resolve the parking issues.
  2. The chairman had been informed the rugby club were advertising spaces for caravans at during the Yorkshire Show. As this was not allowed within the planning regulations the chairman had contacted the rugby club and is awaiting a response.
  1. Finance:
  1. Balance at the bank £9375.94 in deposit account and £888.77 in current account as at 30th April 2016.
  2. Request for authorisation of expenditure – AW Joinery, Village Maintenance, Annual Insurance.
  3. It was resolved a voucher for the previous parish councillors of £25.00 would be given to each them, with a thank you letter for their work and time over the past several years. Action: Clerk to organise.
Bank Transfer AW Joinery Village Maintenance £31.50
Bank Transfer M. Collyer Village Maintenance £99.00
Bank Transfer AON Insurance £443.18
  1. Monthly Budget – See appendix 1
  2. Annual Audit – The clerk said the annual audit will be reviewed at the June meeting.
  1. Planning:
  1. Applications
  2. Aketon Cottage, Spofforth Lane, Follifoot – 16/0154/FUL

Erection of single storey front porch extension.  The Parish Council supported the application.

  1. Arrange a meeting for applications received since the agenda was compiled: None received
  2. Outcome of previous applications: None
  3. Land East of Spofforth Lane – The chairman gave an update. He said a decision by Harrogate Borough Council to approve or refuse the application should be made by the end of June 2016.  Highways had approved the revised access, but no comments on the safety and disruption had been referred to during the building of the homes.
  1. Date of next meeting: 9th June 2016 at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall