12th July 2012


Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th July 2012

Chairman B. Fisher, Councillors’ C. Florance, T. Martin, E. Jones, N. MacDermid, C. Gogna and M. Kettlewell (Internal Auditor) and one resident.

• Apologies: Apologies received from Councillor T. Hall and M. Hammond

• Declaration of interest in items on the agenda :

N. MacDermid declared an interest in the Phone Kiosk, item 11.

• Public Participation session : None

• Minutes of the meeting held on 14 th June 2012: Having been proposed by

C. Florance and seconded by E. Jones; the minutes were signed as a correct record by the chairman.

• Matters arising from the minutes:

• Village Handyman: The recruitment of a village handyman was discussed. It was decided that a handyman would not be employed as there is not enough regular work.

• Chairman’s communications : The Chairman said he would discuss the Tennis Club and Playground at the appropriate reference point on the agenda.

• Matters concerning Plompton: None

• Proposed Rugby Club: The Parish Councillors discussed the meeting held on 2 nd July 2012. The Chairman said he would welcome the Parish Councillors thoughts on the development at the next Parish Council meeting.

• Code of Conduct: All Parish Councillors had received a copy of the final version of the Code of Conduct. All Parish Councillors agreed to accept the new Code of Conduct.

• Welcome Letter & New Resident Information : T. Martin said he had not seen the correspondence; he said he would look at it and forward his comments to the clerk.

• Phone Kiosk : A draft licence had been received from Berwins Solicitor; a copy was given to N. MacDermid and B. Fisher. The clerk will email a copy to the Parish Councillors. The clerk asked the Parish Councillors to send their comments to her before the end of the following week.

• Tennis Court: The Chairman said he had spoken with the Chairman of the Tennis Club and the landowner regarding the decline of the Tennis Court . The future of the Tennis Court and commuted sums were discussed. The commuted sums are specific to the Tennis Court it will be required to be returned to the developer.

• Playground : The Parish Councillors discussed the possibility of a children’s playground being built in Follifoot. It was decided that the Parish Council would communicate with several landowners in the village regarding the possibility of their land being put forward for use. E. Jones said she would organise a meeting for those residents who volunteered to be involved in the project. T. Martin said he would email her a list of those interested.

• Footpaths :

• The Chairman said he had received a phone call from Rudding Estate expressing their dissatisfaction regarding unauthorised hedge/bush cutting. An unknown person had been on the footpath along the old railway line and cutback the foliage. The Chairman said this should not have been carried out, and if a resident has a problem with overgrown foliage they should contact the Parish Council who would liaise with the landowner.

• Kitty Corner Lease: Comments on the new lease were discussed. The chairman said he would compare the leases and discuss it at the next meeting.

• Risk Assessments : The clerk had prepared risk assessments on the village assets, these were discussed and the parish councillors agreed to implement them. The clerk said she would send a completed list to the Parish Councillors.

• Regular Forum : The Chairman suggested the Parish Council organised a regular forum, thus giving support to the community. The Parish Council discussed the idea and decided a meeting in addition to the Annual Parish Meeting could be held. It was suggested that the meeting would involve other establishments within the community. B. Fisher to liaise with the clerk to ascertain a suitable date in October. To be discussed at the September meeting.

• Broadband : C. Florance said that NYCC will be making a decision week commencing 16 th July 2012 on which company will be employed to ‘role-out’ broadband services across North Yorkshire . It was decided to discuss it at the next Parish Council meeting.

• Highways:

• Kestrel Roundabout: A Councillor said cars frequently do not use the roundabout correctly, and cut across traffic. He suggested Highways are asked to put white lines at the roundabout to direct traffic into the correct lane. It was agreed the clerk would contact Highways to ask for additional lines.

• Finance:

• Balance at the bank £656.81 in current account and £9,648.94 deposit account which made total £10,305.75

• Authorisation of expenditure was proposed by C. Florance and seconded by

B. Fisher. Saxon Cross Repair £312. 00, Clerk’s Salary and Expenses £616.43, Village Flowers £29 and Refreshments for APM £10.

• Quarterly Reconciliation, a copy was emailed to all Parish Councillors.

• HSBC – Signatures on Account: The clerk explained the problems of obtaining new signatures on the account; she said she would go into HSBC to make further enquiries.

• Clerk’s correspondence:

• The clerk read a letter received from B. Butler, thanking the Parish Council for his present.

• The clerk said there was commuted sums’ training on 1 st August 2012 and the details were in the Clerks Correspondence folder.

• Planning:

• Applications – None

• No applications received since the agenda was compiled

• Outcome of previous applications – none

• Date of next meeting: Thursday 13 th September 2012 at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall

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