12th January 2017


12th January 2017

Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice President T. Martin, Councillors’ A. Dewsnip, T. Hall, J. Hinchcliffe, Councillor Andrew Paraskos, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator M. Hammond and several residents.
1. Apologies: Apologies for absence received and accepted from Councillor E. Jones and Clerk S Hinchcliffe.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: Councillor Martin declared an interest in item 15a) ii and the Chairman declared an interest in item 13.
3. Public Participation session: an opportunity for residents to comment on any items on the agenda or to raise any questions or concerns: Residents’ declared an interest in item 15a) ii, it was resolved to discuss the matter at the appropriate point on the agenda.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 8th December 2016: Previous minutes proposed as correct record by Councillor Dewsnip and seconded by Councillor Hinchcliffe.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes not included in the Agenda:
a) Boundary Changes item 6a – The chairman said details of the Boundary Changes are available on the Harrogate Borough Council website (www.harrogate.gov.uk).
6. Chairman’s communications:
The chairman said all correspondence was included in the Agenda.
7. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) Details of clerk’s correspondence not included in the agenda, to be included in next month’s documents.
b) CPRE – Membership information received. It was resolved not to re-join the CPRE.
c) World War I Beacon – It was resolved not to have a village beacon in recognition of the end of World War I, on 11th November 1918. It was resolved the clerk would contact local residents who had recently researched the Follifoot soldiers who had fought in the war to enquire if they wished to hold an event.
8. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Parking at Plompton: The clerk had received an email from the owner of Plumpton Rocks, he said he was aware of the previous parking problems and does not expect it to reoccur, but assured the parish council he will monitor the situation. Councillor Hall said he would observe the parking once the rocks are open again.
b) Planning Requirements: There was a discussion on reinstating the hardstanding at Plumpton Rocks. It was resolved the clerk would look into the completion date to ensure it’s completed within the timeframe.

9. Broadband:
a) WIFI in Village Hall – The chairman reported WIFI had now been installed in the village hall. It will be for use by those who hire or come to events in the hall and the password will be publicised in the hall. The committee had informed the parish council that they would monitor the volume of usage to review its effectiveness.
b) Broadband at Plompton – Councillor Hinchcliffe said he had received an update from a resident at Plompton regarding the upgrade. He said no action was due to take place in the foreseeable future.
10. Neighbourhood Watch: The neighbourhood coordination said he had received an email from PC Merritt regarding the theft of tack in the area. He warned residents to continue to be vigilant.
11. Village Up Keep
a) Maintenance – No update available.
b) Unpleasant odour in Follifoot – Various complaints had been received regarding the unpleasant odour in Follifoot. The chairman said Yorkshire Water are aware of the problem and continue to investigate the matter. It was resolved to monitor the situation and discuss at the next meeting.
12. Highways:
a) Rudding Lane – An email had been received from Highways regarding the matter of safety on Rudding Lane, with regard to the speed of traffic and the volume of accidents on the corners. Highways had organised the cleaning of all signs on Rudding Lane and had carried out a ‘Grip Test’ to ensure the surface was up to standard, it was resolved that no further action would be taken following the investigations, but future reportable accidents will be monitored.
13. FOFWRAP/Follifields:
a) Lease:
i) Statutory Declaration – The chairman informed the meeting the Statutory Declaration had been signed and returned to the solicitors.
ii) Lease – The lease was discussed, and it was resolved that Chairman MacDermid and Vice Chairman T Martin would sign the lease and return to the solicitors.
iii) FOFWRAP said they would make a donation to the Parish Council to cover the cost of the lease fee.
b) Progress:
i) Searches -The chairman reported the searches had been completed and no issues were apparent.
ii)He said Chancel Insurance was suggested by the Solicitor and had been organised.
iii) The chairman reported the Completion Statement was £554.60.
iv) Grant Applications – The Chairman reported grants for Follifields would be applied for by the Parish Council in conjunction with FOFWRAP. The chairman reported the Parish Council had registered with WREN and are currently working with FOFWRAP to complete the required documents. It was resolved the clerk, Stephanie Hinchcliffe would be the main point of contact and the signatory for the WREN grant application.
iv) The parish council discussed the availability of Commuted Sums/Community Infrastructure Levy for the Recreation area. It was resolved the clerk would contact Harrogate Borough Council to enquire what funding would be available if the Spofforth Lane development went ahead.
v) Newsletter – The Chairman reported that FOFWRAP had distributed a Newsletter and copies were available in the village shop and on the website (www.follifoot.org)
14. Finance
a) Balance at the bank – Current Account £676.06 and Deposit Account £8452.44.
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure – It was resolved to pay the clerks’ salary and expenses, WIFI Village Hall, Christmas Tree donation and Lease solicitors fee.
Clerks salary & expenses S G Hinchcliffe £1128.54 Cheque No

WIFI Village Hall Village Hall £TBC TBC
Christmas Tree Rudding Park Estate £24.00 Bank Transfer
Lease for Recreation area Benning Ltd £1,554.00 Cheque No

c) Monthly Budget (See appendix 2) – Monthly budget was circulated.
d) Quarterly Reconciliation (See appendix 3) Quarterly Reconciliation was circulated.
15. Planning
a) Applications:
i. Keepers Cottage Rudding Park Home Farm and The Pheasantry Track Follifoot HG3 1DQ. Ref. No: 16/05326/FUL
Demolition of attached gun room and erection of two storey and single storey extensions and detached garage, alterations to fenestration and removal of chimney. The parish council supported the application.
ii. Land Comprising OS Field 3344 Spofforth Lane, Follifoot – 16/04964/FULMAJ – Erection of 12 dwellings, formation of access, hardstanding, associated landscaping and various tree works to various trees within Follifoot Conservation Area (revised scheme). The parish council did not support the application, but also set out a number of safeguards they would like included if planning permission was granted.
b) Meeting for applications received since the agenda was compiled: None.
c) Outcome of previous applications – None.
16. Date of next meeting: 9th February 2016 at 7.30pm Follifoot Village Hall.