12th December 2013

Minutes of the Meeting held at 8pm on 12th December 2013

Present:  Chairman B. Fisher, Vice Chairman N. MacDermid, Councillors E. Jones, T. Martin, T. Hall and Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell.


1. Apologies:  Received and accepted from Councillor C. Florance and Neighbourhood Coordinator M. Hammond.

2. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: Received from N. MacDermid item8.

3. Public Participation session: None

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 14th November 2013: The minutes were proposed to be a correct record by T. Hall and seconded by E. Jones, and signed by Chairman B. Fisher.

5. Matters arising from the minutes:
a) (15b) Fly-Tipping – The clerk gave an update on the response on Fly Tipping from Harrogate Borough Council.  The councillors said the response was unsatisfactory.
Action: B. Fisher to discuss matter with District Councillor C. Bayliss.

6. Chairman’s communications:  The Chairman had received a letter from the Internal Auditor, who said the accounts were in order according to the guidelines.

7. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Replacement sign – The clerk said she had received a response from Highways regarding the sign; they are unable to give a date as to when the sign would be replaced as it is low priority.

8. Phone Kiosk:
a) N. MacDermid had received information on the display cabinets, the councillors agreed they appeared suitable and N. MacDermid will organise measurements.
b) N. MacDermid said the window frames require additional adhesive; he suggested a company was employed to carry out the fitting of the frames.  The Parish Councillors agreed.
Action: S. Hinchcliffe to make enquires and obtain quotes.

9. Asset Register: The clerk said she had received clarification on recording Parish Assets from YLCA.  Signs to highlight the Village Assets were discussed.  
Action:  Clerk to make enquiries and obtain estimates of costs.

10. Affordable Housing: The clerk reported the application was at the stage of ‘Pending Consideration’ by Planning. The Councillors discussed the proposed building materials.  Action: Chairman to discuss the issue with District Councillor C. Bayliss.

11. Highways:  
a) Highways had reported they will organise the repair of the pot holes outside Pear Tree Cottage and Lilac Cottage.
b) Rudding had confirmed the saplings on Plompton Road will be replaced in February or March 2014.
c) The clerk said she had reported the overgrown warning sign on Plompton Road.
d) The clerk said she had reported the Pot Holes, on the verge on Plompton Road by Crimple Beck to Highways.  Highways said they will monitor the situation.

12. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank in current account £832.01 and deposit account £7,030.85 total of £7,862.86
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure, proposed by B. Fisher and seconded by N. MacDermid.
HBC – Grass cutting
c) Precept – The Councillors discussed the amount of precept to be requested.  Due to the Clerks increase in hours it was proposed to request an increase of £1,200.00 The Councillors unanimously agreed.
d) Internal Audit Review – see item 6.

13. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) The clerk said she had received the Police Report, with one incident at Rudding.  
b) Website
i) A resident had spoken to the Clerk about the old website still being active.  The issues this caused were discussed.  It was agreed a letter would be sent again to the original website designer to ask if he would close the site.  
ii) E. Jones confirmed she would look into a sign being created to advertise the website on the notice board.
c) The clerk apologised that FOFWRAP had been missed off the Agenda.  She said a second Newsletter had been published, and the minutes sent to the Parish Councillors.

14. Planning:
a) Applications
Home Farm Bungalow, Follifoot 6.121.191.D.DVCON 13/04695/DVCON
Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 6.121.191.C.REP to allow uPVC windows to replace approved timber windows and change foul drainage system to septic tank.  The Parish Council had no objections.
b) Arrange a meeting for applications received since the agenda was compiled
c) Outcome of previous applications – 13/00058/REFPP – Home Farm. The appeal had been dismissed.
d) Tree preservation order has been placed (35/2013) at Pinderpound, Follifoot.
e) Affordable Housing Planning Application – Update see item 10.

15. Date of next meeting: 8pm Thursday 16th January 2014 Follifoot Village Hall.

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