12th April 2012


Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 12th April 2012

PRESENT: B. Fisher (Chairman), B. Butler (Vice Chairman), U. Cansfield, T. Martin, T. Hall, District Councillor C. Bayliss, M. Kettlewell (Internal Auditor) and two residents.

• Apologies: N. Pettitt and C. Florance apologies given and accepted.

• Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: None

• Public Participation session: A resident said the grit bin by the beck was moved by the gas workers and not moved back to original position.

Action: Clerk to request the grit bin is moved.

• Minutes of the meeting held on 8 th March 2012 : The clerk said that Item 16a, balance at the bank, should have read £10,323.73 and item 16b, and should have included the approval of £13.50 expenditure for village hall hire. The minutes were proposed by T. Hall and seconded by B. Butler the minutes were signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

• Matters arising from the minutes: None

• Chairman’s communications:

• The Chairman said that the Village Hall Committee is considering spending allocated Commuted Sums on a new sound system for the hard of hearing. The Parish Councillors unanimously agreed that the purchase of the system would be an asset to the Village Hall.

• The Chairman said he had been contacted by a Parish Councillor from Goldsborough regarding Broadband speeds. They too were working on this. It was agreed between the two that we would keep each other informed of progress.

• Matters concerning Plompton : None

• Phone Kiosk : The draft lease had been received from Berwins, there were several amendments required. The clerk will organise the corrections.

• Broadband : Broadband update had been given at the Annual Parish Meeting.

• Spring Litter Pick 22 April 2012: Everyone was reminded about the litter pick. To meet at 2pm outside the Post Office.

• Olympic Torch – Follifoot : N. Pettitt had asked for this to be included, it was not discussed as he was not present.

• Parish Council Elections: The clerk said she had received confirmation that B. Fisher, T. Hall, T. Martin, C. Florance and N. Macdermid had all been elected to represent the Follifoot and Plompton Parish Council. This left two Parish Councillor Vacancies. B. Fisher said two people had expressed interest at being co-opted onto the Parish Council. The co-option will take place at the May meeting.

B. Fisher thanked B. Butler and U. Cansfield for their hard work and assistance over the past several years. He said their work was appreciated and he would like to publically thank them, and wish them well in the future.

• Broken Plaque in need of repair: Clerk to organise the repair.

• Highways:

• Footpath at Crimple – The clerk had received an email which said the stones need replacing and the Rights of Way Officer with liaise with Bridges department of NYCC. The clerk will monitor the situation.

• Finance

• Balance at the bank as at 31.03.12 : £326.20 + £8,610.70 = Total £8,936.90

• Request for authorisation of expenditure : £29.00 to CPRE, £10 to HSBC for missing cheque, £100.00 Honorarium to the Internal Auditor, £555.43 Clerk’s salary, £64 for clerk’s expenses, and £175 for Hire of Village Hall. The expenditure was approved by B. Fisher and seconded by T. Martin. The clerk said the Cricket Club had received the donation of £1,000 following approval.

• The clerk said CPRE had not received a cheque for £29.00; the clerk had put a stop on the cheque at a charge of £10.00 by HSBC.

• Clerks Correspondence:

• The clerk said she had received a phone call from a resident regarding cyclists on the railway footpath. The Parish Council decided to monitor the situation and report to NYCC if it continued.

• A letter from the Village Hall Committee regarding Key Holders was discussed.

• Correspondence from HBC regarding the overhaul of waste and recycling was discussed. N. Macdermid volunteered to attend the meeting in May. Clerk to forward him the details.

• Planning:

• Applications: None

• Applications received since the agenda was compiled: 12/01364/PDUCO Follifoot Hall, Pannal Road , Follifoot, Harrogate . Any comments to the clerk by noon 20 th April 2012.

• Outcome of previous applications: Hilltop House, Pannal Road , Follifoot the application was granted subject to conditions.

• Date of next meeting:

Annual Parish Council Meeting 17th May 2012 8pm at Follifoot Village Hall.

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