11th July 2013


PRESENT: Vice Chairman N. MacDermid, Councillors T. Martin and T. Hall and the Parish Clerk S. Hinchcliffe.

1. Apologies: Apologies received and accepted from Chairman B. Fisher, Councillors E. Jones and C. Florance, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell

2. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: S. Hinchcliffe declared an interest in item 11 and N. MacDermid declared an interest in item 8 and 11.

3. Public Participation session: No residents present.

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 13th June 2013: The minutes were proposed by
T. Hall and seconded by T. Martin. N. MacDermid signed them as a correct record.

5. Matters arising from the minutes:
a) Enquiry on Planning Regulations – The clerk said she was waiting to hear from HBC regarding planning regulations on property extensions.

6. Chairman’s communications: None

7. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Sign update – The clerk said she had received an email from HBC regarding the sign; they are looking into replacing the sign with a smaller one. It was agreed if the sign had not been replaced before the next meeting the clerk would follow it up. T. Hall said he had received more complaints about the size of the sign.
b) T. Hall said Plompton had now received Wheelie Bins. The emptying of the bins was discussed.

8. Phone Kiosk:
a) N. MacDermid discussed his recent enquiries regarding using the kiosk as an information centre. He said he was waiting for Tourist Information to call regarding the display stands. The Councillors looked at the old Follifoot Brochures and decided they could be reused.
b) Postcards – N. MacDermid said he had obtained a price for village postcards which could be available in the kiosk.
c) A quote had been received from Keepsake Construction for the installation of leather straps and window frames. It was decided that the window frames would be purchased and N. MacDermid and resident J. Hinchcliffe would fit the frames to save the installation expense. It was decided to discuss the installation of replacement straps when they are available.

9. Highways:
a) Overgrown footpath Main Street to Tofts Lane – The clerk had report the overgrown footpath to HBC. T. Martin said that HBC currently have over 9,000 similar jobs waiting to be carried out. N. MacDermid said he would organise the trimming of the footpath back.
b) Overgrown hedge on Main Street had now been trimmed back.
c) T. Martin reported that during verge cutting, some young trees he had planted appear to have been mowed down. It was agreed the clerk would look into the matter and report back to the Parish Council.

10. Clerk’s hours worked and salary: It was decided to look at the clerk’s hours at the September meeting when more parish councillors would be present.

11. FOFWRAP: The clerk gave an update of FOFWRAPS progress and thanked the Parish Councillors for delivering the Newsletter. The next meeting to be held is 2nd September 2013.

12. Regular use of Bus Service: The use of the bus service was discussed. As there are continuous funding cuts it was decided that residents should be encouraged to use the bus to insure Follifoot has the best chance of the service continuing. It was decided that the clerk would produce a notice asking residents for their comments on how the new timetable affects them and to ask them to use the service.

13. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank £571.57 current account and £7678.49 deposit account, a total of £8,250.66
b) Request for authorisation of the following expenditure was proposed by
T. Martin and seconded by T. Hall.
Cheque No Expenditure Amount
100705 Grass Cutting £53.28
100706 Flowers for tubs and beds £59.65
100707 Clerks Salary and Expenses £623.36
100708 SLCC – book Local Council Admin £63.00
c) Report on Commuted Sums Training- N. MacDermid gave a brief report of the training.
d) The Clerk had emailed the Councillors the Budget until 11th July 2013 and Reconciliation untill 30th June 2013.

14. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) The clerk sent a Watering Rota and Bus Cleaning Rota to Parish Councillors, she asked if the Councillors would check when they are on the rota, and if they are unable to do it, then to find someone to replace them.

15. Planning:
a) Applications – None
b) No applications received since the agenda was compiled
c) Outcome of previous applications
i) Hedgerow House, Main Street, Follifoot – Approved
ii) Meadow Sweet, Tofts Lane, Follifoot – Approved
iii) 8 Plompton Square, Plompton – Approved

16. Date of next meeting: Thursday 12th September 2013 at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall