10th November

10th November 2016

Present: Chairman MacDermid, Vice Chairman Martin, Councillors’ Hinchcliffe, Dewsnip, Andrade and Hall, District Councillor Paraskos, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator Mr Hammond, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell and one resident.
1. Apologies: Apologies received and accepted from Councillor Jones.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: A resident said he wished to discuss the Local Draft Plan (item 13a), when it arose on the agenda.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 13th October 2016: The minutes were proposed to be a correct record by Vice Chairman Martin and Councillor Hall. The chairman duly signed them.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes: All items included in the agenda.
6. Chairman’s communications:
a) Drains in Village – The chairman said a resident had reported the drains in the village had been omitting an unpleasant odour over the last few weeks, he informed the chairman he had reported the problem to Yorkshire Water, who had investigated. A discussion took place over the work Yorkshire Water had carried out recently and Councillor Dewsnip reported the drains had now been cleared by Yorkshire Water and the unpleasant odour had subsequently disappeared.
b) Housing Development Spofforth Lane: The chairman said he had received correspondence regarding a proposed planning application for the land off Spofforth Lane. The councillor said they would not be able to comment until the application had been submitted and a notification received.
7. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) Clerk’s Correspondence (Appendix 1) – The clerk said she had emailed a list of correspondence to the parish councillors.
b) Further correspondence received
i) The clerk said notification had been received for North Yorkshire County Council, County Area Committee meeting on 17th November.
ii) Notification on Minerals and Waste Joint Plan – Notice of publication had been received, the formal publication period commences on 9th November to 21st December 2016. www.northyorks.gov.uk/mwconsult
8. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Parking Complaint – The clerk said she had not received a reply from the landowner of Plompton Rocks regarding parking, therefore will write to him.
9. Neighbourhood Watch:
a) The coordinator gave an update, and said the details will be on the village website (www.follifoot.org).
b) Crime figures – The clerk said she had circulated the crime figures for Oct 2016.
10. Meeting dates 2017: The proposed dates were agreed and it was resolved parish council meetings in 2017 would commence at an earlier time of 7.30pm.
11. Village Hall Meeting:
a) Broadband Installation: The Vice Chairman gave an update on the recent village hall committee meeting. He said in principal the village hall committee would approve the installation of broadband provided the parish council contributed towards the costs. It was resolved the parish council would contribute 75% of the installation costs and 50% of the monthly fee for two years. The chairman said he would write and inform the village hall committee.
b) Village Hall Projector: The Vice Chairman said the village hall in principal would approve the installation of a projector provided the security of the projector could be established. Councillor Hinchcliffe said he would research projectors and installation and report back to the parish council.
12. Village Up Keep:
a) Maintenance Report – The clerk informed the meeting that the maintenance person completed seven hours during October.
b) Painting of village assets – The clerk said the phone box, Follifoot and Plompton noticeboards, green bench and roof of the stocks had been painted. She informed the meeting she had requested the rotten wood at the top of the village notice board was replaced and painted, once complete the sign writing would be organised for both notice boards.
c) Village Bench – The clerk said a quote had been received for £147.50 from AW Joinery for the installation of a bench at the bottom bus shelter. It was resolved to employ the services of AW Joinery to carry out the work.
13. Highways:
a) Bridleway Improvements – The district councillor said he had spoken to Councillor Burnett who said the work to improve the underpass would be undertaken shortly and would contact him once a date was established. The clerk said she would monitor the situation.
b) Traffic Issues:
i) 20mph zone – The clerk said she had received a response from North Yorkshire County Council regarding the introduction of a 20mph zone in Follifoot Village. She informed the meeting due to the current financial situation Highways would not install a 20mph zone in the village. The clerk said she had requested details of what expenditures are involved.
ii) Traffic Issues on Rudding Lane – The clerk said she had not yet received a response to her email requesting double white lines at the sharp bends and the cleaning of the signs.

a) Planning application – The clerk confirmed that a parish notification had not been received as the parish council submitted the application for a recreation area. The chairman said the date for decision by Harrogate Borough Council is 23rd November 2016.
b) Lease – The chairman said he had been in correspondence with the landowner and Berwin Solicitor’s regarding the lease. The estimate for a solicitor to act for the Parish Council with regard to the lease is £1,200 plus VAT. It was resolved that FOFWRAP should meet the costs through fund raising.
c) Grass cutting quote – The clerk said she continues to obtain grass cutting quotes.
13. Harrogate Borough Council:
a) Strategic Housing and Economic Development Plan, Draft Local Plan: The clerk reminded the parish councillors the Draft Local Plan consultation runs from 11th November to 23rd December 2016. Further information can be found at www.harrogate.gov.uk or on the Plompton or Follifoot notice boards. The draft local plan includes policies to guide development, sites for new homes and jobs, and options for a new settlement for the district.
b) The District Councillor supplied further details on the Draft Local Plan and said Follifoot did not have any allocated sites within the plan.
c) A resident asked how the parish council are going to respond to the plan.
Following a discussion the parish councillors resolved to comment on the plan and to express that f the position of sites changed within the parish Harrogate Borough Council would ensure it is in keeping with the principals from the original comments submitted.
d) A resident asked, as no local green space had been allocated in Follifoot and the parish council had previously requested The Garth was designated as local green space, would the parish council request it is included in the plan. The parish council resolved to request Harrogate Borough Council to include The Garth as local green space.
15. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank, Current Acc £785.30 and Deposit Acc £9358.59
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure: The parish council resolved payments for Village Maintenance, paint, decorators and also the previous expenditure for the planning application for the recreation area.
Cheque 100764 Harrogate Borough Council Planning Recreational Area £192.50
Cheque 100765 Harrogate Borough Council Planning
Recreational Area £588.00
Bank Transfer Baildon & Bingley Decorating Green Bench £130.00
Bank Transfer Baildon & Bingley Decorating Telephone Kiosk £288.00
Bank Transfer Baildon & Bingley Decorating Canopy above stocks £295.00
Bank Transfer Baildon & Bingley Notice boards £140.00
Bank Transfer M. Collyer Village Maintenance £105.00
Cheque 10066 S Hinchcliffe Paint for assets £77.24

c) Monthly Budget (See appendix 1) – The clerk had emailed the parish councillors the monthly budget. She said the accounts were available if anyone wished to view them.
d) Precept meeting date: The precept meeting was organised for Monday 28th November 2017 at 7pm at the clerk’s home. Chairman MacDermid and Councillor Dewsnip agreed to attend.
16. Planning:
a) Applications:
Change of use of agricultural land to form recreational land to include erection of play equipment. (Site Area 0.8ha) | Land Comprising Field At 433791 452482 Pannal Road Follifoot North Yorkshire 16/03885/FUL. The parish council resolved to send individual comments to planning.
b) Applications received since the agenda was compiled: None.
c) Outcome of previous applications: Land on Pannal Road, Follifoot – 16/03954/REM – Planning permission approved.
17. Date of next meeting: Thursday 8th December 2016 at 8pm,
Follifoot Village Hall